Rain or Shine

It seems that winter has finally come for our area, and those 50 degree December days are behind us. Reflecting back at what 2015 has brought us, we have had the privilege of working with some amazing local businesses and talents. Trudging through the snow to the mailbox it was a pleasant surprise being reminded of our shoot with Shanklin Heating & Air Conditioning on one of those fluke warmer days in December. shanklin_ad

Kip and Derek are some really great guys moving into the area and it was fun capturing their personalities throughout the session. We met in downtown Hudson, braved the wind and rain, and made it happen! They had great pride in the communities they represented, and an even bigger passion for representing and using local businesses.

So check your mailbox if you're in town, you may see some of KP's latest work!

Stay warm, and Happy New Year!!
